The West Hazel Dell Neighborhood Association (WHDNA) is a recognized neighborhood association in Clark County, Washington.
Neighborhood associations are no-cost membership groups, voluntarily organized by residents. The goal is to foster community connection, enhance living conditions in our neighborhood, and address neighborhood concerns.
Our association's members have worked for improvements on Highway 99, alongside Team 99 and Hazel Dell business owners. WHDNA assists in the planning of the annual Hazel Dell Parade of Bands.
Fun Facts
Year WHDNA Founded
5 Parks
Number of parks in West Hazel Dell
Fire District 6
We are serviced by Station 61
How did Hazel Dell get its Name?
"In 1886, the local school sponsored a contest to choose a name for the area north of Vancouver. The two favorites were Hazel Dell and Bear Gulch. The gulch lost. Before 1886, a map of the 1880s identifies the area as Anderson, named for a pioneer family residing there. The best-known member of the family was Sarah J. Anderson, whose name has been given to a local elementary school. The Anderson home, where the Totem Pole restaurant once stood, was a popular stopping place for travelers, where Sarah J. Anderson is said to have entertained visitors with a violin. Some say Sarah J. Anderson named this area for a stand of hazelnuts growing in a hollow where Hazel Dell School now stands"
-Pat Jollota, Clark County historian and author of Naming Clark County